about author
笠井義和 / Yoshikazu Kasai
ディレクター / インダストリアルデザイナー
父方は時計師、母方は設計士という家庭に育ち、10代からモノづくりに興味を持つ。90年代初頭に行ったアメリカで異文化の刺激を受け、その後、金沢とニューヨークでデザイン修行、美術大学 Pratt Instituteで工業デザインを学ぶ。在学中はHerman MillerやKnollのデザイナーたちから教えを受ける。
お仕事の内容に関しては当社のホームページをご覧ください。DBS Inc.
Raised in a family where paternal was a watchmaker and maternal was building plumber, he became interested in manufacturing in his teens. At the beginning of his career, he went to the U.S. for his first visit to the U.S., where he was stimulated by different cultures. He studied industrial design at the Pratt Institute of Art and Design. While studying at the Pratt Institute, he took lessons from designers such as Herman Miller and Knoll.
After returning to Japan, he worked in a product design office and an advertising agency before setting up on his own to work for a wide range of companies and individuals. We help in the creative field. We focus on industrial design, as well as editorial, graphic and branding work. We also offer creative services.
Suggestions and comments are always welcome.
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